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Abortion Rights

Protecting reproductive freedom and Abortion Rights.

Abortion Rights

With the fall of Roe, women lost the right to make decisions about their own bodies. When this happened, I marched. I signed the Reproductive Freedom for All petition, sent out videos, gathered signatures with Rally for Reproductive Rights and issued a position paper demanding all prosecutors in Michigan not criminalize abortion. I have supported women throughout my career starting in the 1980s when I took the number of assistant prosecutors from 4 women of 65 total people to over 50% of my staff. I continue to battle against an out-of-touch Republican opponent who compares abortion to genocide and does not support exceptions for rape or incest. He doesn’t even live in our district but he is running here! I believe that government has no business interfering with a woman’s health care choices, including any choice that she may make regarding abortion. We must take our rage to Michigan's ballot box in November and I pledge to codify the protections of Roe into federal law when I get to Washington. This is about freedom, rights, choice and privacy in all healthcare decisions.

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